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Beginner Warmup Workout Routine (Easy To Do At Home)

 hi I'm Samantha Clayton I'm here with Julie this is a beginner warm-up it's low impact low intensity to get you ready for exercise so let's go speed or apart we're just going to warm up the shoulders just one arm around at a time so I need to get your breathing right setting your intention for your workout ahead nice big arm circles and let's switch sides switch arms the aim of a warm-up is just to get your blood flowing that your heart rate up and get your muscles ready for the workout ahead three more times around and then let's move into a shoulder press so hands are by your shoulders you're going to push up and down up and down so you're not pushing right up overhead you're just pushing slightly out in front just warming up their shoulders our next exercise is going to warm up your triceps oh now arms into the side and just push the arms back stretching our triceps and as we go through our movement to get bigger the Blood starts flowing now let's warm up the sides of the body so feet are apart one hand on the thigh we're just going to reach over and reach back will warm up one side first and then the other you can have a slight bend in the knees if you need to and you can always use your hands to support your weight if you're not used to doing sideways movement let's just do one more to the side and switch sides as you go through you'll start to feel your breathing will increase and you'll start to feel the sides of your body stretching out now our next exercise is to stretch out the back and the crafts so bring your feet together you want to stretch out the calf muscle and round out the back come back to standing rounding out at the back eyes are looking at the floor and then you're pulling that toes towards your shin to feel a stretch down your car keep it going now let's go back to warming up the center of the body with a simple pivot feet apart arms are out front we're just going to turn to one side turn to the other head to one side and the other always remembering to pivot on that back foot to protect those knees give me two more times now hands are on the hips we're just going to come up onto the toes back down onto the heels warming up the calf muscles warming up the ankles and then we're going to get your heart rate up simple side set we're going to step from one side then to the other feel like you're dancing getting it going just getting the heart rate up just simple movement side to side now we can add in an equal one side than the other just pulling the knee up and down now let's work on that quite a little more under step to the side hamstrings and quads Hey now we're going to go back to the top and work on your coordination by combining a few of those moves together so let's go with our windmill arms are out front both arms this time bigger faster movement second time through this time we're going to do the shoulders and the triceps at the same time so hands come in we push up and back up and back second time through bigger movements here stretching as high as you can reaching that back let's warm up the sides of the body again one side then the other over and back really reaching a little bit further each time let's go back to that calf stretch opening up the back heel comes forward this time bigger movement really stretch out the chest if you've been sitting down all day this exercise is perfect to get the blood flowing through your legs opening up the chest and back let's go back to that upper body pivot let's look a little more athletic this time little lower one side than the other let's go back up onto the toes hands on hips up onto the toes here we go and now let's go into our side step a little bit faster this time get a little lower a little bit more athletic let's add in that knee drive moving into our last move now we're going to go into our hamstring tap back so here we go tap back lifting that foot up behind touching with the hand warming up the sides of the body and the hamstrings that's it warm-up is over you should now be ready for your workout or you can repeat this warm up a few times through and use it as your workout

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